Did you know that when I was in junior high, my friend Naty and I covered an entire blackboard with candy wrappers we collected from our classmates? It was all American candy wrappers and it was a beautiful collage. We thought it belonged at MoMa. So I'm very happy that a museum of candy wrappers exists. It is of aesthetic, cultural and ontological importance (whatever this means).
It is in this hallowed space that I was able to find the picture of my childhood that led to philosophical and metaphysical inquiry at a tender age and that now has been replaced by the banality of evil (aka marketing).
Take a look:

See? Me, a child holding a paletón that has a child holding a paletón that has a child holding a paletón... you get the picture. One of my super smart readers explained that this is called it the Droste Effect; you guessed it, thanks to another illustrious chocolate, Droste Cocoa, from Holland.

EXCEPT, that if you think about it, not everybody is a nun or a nurse, but absolutely everybody has been a child, which makes the Paletón Corona a much more effective portal into metaphysical exploration. For my whole thing with the paletón was, "Am I just a girl trapped in a bigger paletón, which is in itself trapped in an even bigger paletón?"
You can't think this with a nun. Or a nurse.
Without having any awareness of the existence of the Droste Effect, but no doubt perfectly acquainted with the fluffy, chewy glories of the Paletón Corona, my friend Rubén had, also in junior high, a name for this phenomenon. He used to call it "La Teoría de los Weyayosh". The Theory of The Weyayoshes. Clearly, Ruben was ahead of his time.
And now take a look at this and tell me this is not devastatingly stupid and tragic:
Sí, yo ya le llamaba el efecto Paletón Corona, me gusta más que droste.
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