Ladies and Gentlemen, as you have heard 7000 times, the hour of arrival is 3:20 pm. Please set your watches 1 hour ahead and the temperature ten degrees more. This is one hot country.The buying of duty free items was a bazaar. I actually heard him call it "the duty free hysteria". Lots of cartons of Marlboro being sold. At one point a woman was distracting him as he tried to charge a credit card. "Lady, I'm making mistakes with millions here".
For those of you who have never ever flown before, that huge blue mass below us is the sea.
Please keep your seat belts on and don't let the kiddies put their hands and feet out the window.
After our food service, there will a great deal of activity around the restrooms. Please do not congregate around and do not tarry. It's not a jacuzzi.
When he arrived he said: "my dear friends, if you had a pleasant flight, please tell everybody, and if you didn't, tell them it was pleasant anyway."
He got an ovation and gave us all his email address over the PA system.
Are you paying more than $5 / pack of cigarettes? I buy high quality cigarettes over at Duty Free Depot and I save over 60%.