Thursday, July 26, 2007

Here I am...

Sitting at a picnic table at the Paris Plage at Pont Marie, listening to a crazy broad dance and sing the Can Can and using the lovely free wifi courtesy of la ville de Paris.
What's new?
Les verbes pronominaux
Le participe passé
Le passé composé
Le future simple et le future proche
The hideous pronoms personnels, the determinants, etc.
The abominable adverbs of duration (pendant, dans, en, pour and, my personal nemesis: depuis).
L'imperfect, the tense I most identify with because I'm not a happy camper with the French.
We had a test yesterday and dismally, inexcusably, I solved correctly only 10 out of 20. Stuff I thought I understood, I didn't and stuff I thought I blew, I did not. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the rules. The rules seem imperious and logical, but sometimes just randomly pesky, finicky and capricious. They feel the same way about me, I fear. But they rule and I don't, so I accept my lot grudgingly. I've been humbled.
Still, I think I now speak a little better than Tarzan. I can now employ the passé composé with two verbes I can more or less conjugate. It's progress.

Berthillon flavors of the day: Caramel au beurre sale et mandarine. The first one is actually like salty caramel and it is just killer. The mandarine is like the poire, better, more real, more mandariny than the fruit itself.

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