Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What a dump!

Here I am, this humble blog, which gets like 6 (loyal, adorable, divine) readers a day. We're happily chugging along the internet superhighway, like the Extremely Little Engine That Could, while a Russian internet site peddling child pornography (including the rape of children) gets 8000 hits.
The material was accessible via a link to a Russian website that offered it for downloading - the site has since been closed down.Within 24 hours, investigators said they recorded more than 8,000 hits on the video and DVD material from more than 2,360 computer addresses in 77 countries. ...the videos were made in eastern Europe and featured children of up to 14 years of age. ..."Girls could be seen being raped, and you could also hear screams" Mr Gremel said, adding that users paid $89 (68 euros, £45) for three month's access to the material.
Which leads me to confirm what I have always known: this world is a dump. Moreover, Eastern Europe is and has always been a superdump. Russia is a dump and has been a dump since day one. Now that communism is over, they have just translated the same disregard for human dignity they've always had into rapacious commerce: white slavery, child pornography, etc. They are seemingly incapable of civilization, let alone democracy and human rights. They deserve the hells they have always lived in, be it with Tsars, Stalins or Putins.

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